Current Projects and Engagements

Senior Expert on Higher Education Interoperability

  • Ongoing
  • EU
  • German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)

Provide expert support to DAAD’s work on a Higher Education Interoperability Framework (HE IO) under the umbrella of the European Digital Education Hub (EDEH), including: engagement with the DAAD management team, the EDEH HE IO consortium, Core Expert Group and the wider Workgroup; co-drafting and reviewing key deliverables to inform the Interoperability Framework.



European Universities

QualityLink project

  • Ongoing
  • EU
  • Knowledge Innovation Centre (KIC)

Contribution to various outputs of the Erasmus+ QualityLink project, aiming at aggregating quality data on micro-credentials in a single, open and interoperable one-stop shop. Together with DHBW Heilbronn as coordinator and EDEN Digital Learning Europe, the European University Foundation (EUF) & Mondragon Unibertsitatea as partners. Outputs include interoperable course identifiers and quality data standards to pilot data exchange and a "Micro-credential Clearinghouse".




European Higher Education Sector Observatory (EHESO)

  • Ongoing
  • Western Balkans (Albania, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia), Romania and Slovenia
  • Consortium led by PPMI

Regional expert, supporting the data collection by securing contacts, targeted dissemination activities and supporting the preparation of materials such as country reports.




Database of European Quality Assurance Results (DEQAR)

  • Ongoing
  • EHEA
  • European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education (EQAR)

Technical support – in liaison with EQAR’s external software developer – for the ongoing maintenance and further development of the DEQAR database, including the inclusion of micro-credentials and alternative providers, as well as its connections with other systems,

quality assurance



Completed Projects and Engagements

ESG self-evaluation report by KAA

  • April - May 2024
  • Kosovo
  • Kosovo Education Center / HEI'25 project

Review and feedback on the self-evaluation report produced by the Kosovo Accreditation Agency (KAA) in the context of its current review against the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the EHEA (ESG) for the purposes of EQAR registration and ENQA membership.

quality assurance


European Quality Assurance and Recognition System

  • May 2023 - Apr 2024
  • EU
  • ICF under a European Commission framework contract

Expert support for the European Quality Assurance and Recognition System, an action within the European Strategy for Universities, including input to an ongoing feasibilit study, stakeholer consultation and the proposal of a new Council Recommendation, featuring a proposal for cross-institutional external quality assurance of European University alliances.

quality assurance


European Universities

European Tertiary Education Register (ETER)

  • May 2023 - Apr 2024
  • Albania, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia, Slovenia
  • Consortium led by Università della Svizzera italiana (USI)

Regional expert for Western Balkans, supporting the data collection through contacts with ministries, statistics authorities and key stakeholders, as well as contribution to analyses of ETER data.




Survey on Stakeholders’ Perception of the Bologna Process

  • May 2023 – February 2024
  • EHEA
  • IN-GLOBAL project coordinated by CIMEA – Information Centre on Academic Mobility and Equivalence

Preparation and analysis of two surveys of stakeholders’s perceptions of the Bologna Process and EHEA.


Bologna Process

European University alliance proposal

  • December 2023
  • Belgium
  • Odisee University of Applied Sciences

Review and provide feedback on the proposal for the creation of a new European University alliance dedicated to diversity, inclusion and equity, with a special focus on migration.

European Universities

Needs assessment of NARIC Kosova Center

  • October - December 2023
  • Kosovo
  • Kosovo Education Center / HEI'25 project

Provide expertise in conducting a needs assessment of the National Center for Academic Recognition and Information (NARIC) Kosova with a focus on digitalization of work processes.


